Our Fees

Fees Days
Per day
Per half day
Per half day with lunch

Funded Fifteen / Thirty Hours Policy

From the term after their third birthday, children may attend for fifteen or thirty hours during school term times, funded by the Government. Some two year olds may also qualify for fifteen funded hours.

However, the way the money is allocated and the fact that it doesn’t cover our hourly costs, means that, for term time only children, we cannot spread the hours over five days.

Therefore, fifteen hours must be taken either as two seven and a half hour days (ie 9am to 4.30pm, or 8.30am to 4pm) or as three afternoons 1-6pm or three mornings 8-1pm.

Thirty hours must be taken as three full days. We reserve the right to specify which days these hours can be taken, avoiding very busy times if necessary.

We will not be able to provide places covering a few hours in the middle of three or more days, as this takes up a full time place with a serious loss of income.

There are only a limited number of term time only paid places, as we suffer a serious drop of income over holiday periods if there are too many.

Children who attend all year round will have the monthly equivalent of the fifteen or thirty hours deducted from their fees on a calendar monthly basis. They must attend for a combination of full and half days, not a few hours in the middle of the day.

Our Locations

Greenshoots Day Nursery Ltd.
55 Palfrey Place, London,
England, SW8 1AR,
United Kingdom

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